[Salon] Normalisation and the two state solution

Normalisation and the two state solution

Summary: the true aim of discreet discussions about the normalisation of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel amidst Saudi claims about pursuing a two state solution is to block accountability for Israel’s ongoing Gaza genocide and to funnel the Palestinians deeper into apartheid. 

Last month senior national security officials from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority met secretly in Riyadh to coordinate plans for the day after the war in Gaza. The meeting was hosted by Saudi Arabia's national security adviser and the other participants were the director of Palestinian general intelligence service and his Egyptian and Jordanian counterparts.

The Saudis are eager to make up for having been so painfully upstaged by Qatar’s extraordinary diplomatic performance these past four months. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is ready now to do whatever it takes to catch up.  (The 7 February statement by the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs calling for a Palestine state on the 1967 green line with East Jerusalem as its capital should be taken for what it is: a performative gesture devoid of any political will to see it happen.)

The goal of MbS is to win Israeli hearts and minds by promising comprehensive financial support for whatever quisling administration Israel and its allies try to establish to run Gaza after the war.

Besides being eager for the diplomatic credit, MbS wants to make sure this goes ahead before anyone else steps in and takes his idea like the Emiratis who were conspicuously not invited to the Riyadh meeting.

The crown prince wishes to please Israel - who in the past he has described as an ally [halif  حليف]  - because he believes this is the best way to increase his own chances of staying in power.

Not so long ago MbS was praying for Donald Trump to win the US election because he feared Biden would make him a ‘pariah’. But with Israel’s support, he knows whatever happens in November he will have nothing to worry about.

Since his father became king in 2015 MbS has been incrementally increasing his support for Israel to a level today never seen before by any other Saudi leader.

Under his rule, the kingdom has undergone a comprehensive campaign away from its Arab heritage and Islamic beliefs and in favour of the Jewish state.

This programme has included hosting Israeli officials and companies as VIPs, changing the national day and education curricula, dismantling the religious police, allowing Israeli airlines to fly over Saudi Arabia and conducting radical social engineering experiments in areas inside the Kingdom known for religious fundamentalism.

For Saudis themselves, one of the most sensitive reforms brought in by MbS has been allowing Israelis to “return to their homes” in the Kingdom’s holy sites for the first time.

Saudi Arabia contains several ancient Jewish sites, the most famous of which is the town of Khaybar, an oasis north of Medina. In November 2022 AFP reported on how Khaybar, which is best known for a fierce battle between the Prophet Mohammed and Jewish tribes, is remodelling itself as an upscale tourist draw in line with the kingdom's rebranding efforts.

MbS has allowed Israelis to “return to their homes” in the Kingdom for the first time in Saudi history [photo credit: X]

Israelis are also allowed to visit more than a dozen other Jewish heritage locations in the Kingdom. In April 2022 the crown prince amended the law prohibiting non-Saudis ownership in Mecca and Medina, opening the door to Israelis wishing to acquire property there.

His flagship project NEOM is another plank in the Saudi-Israeli relationship which is situated only 160 km away from Israel’s borders. Israeli firms are working on some of NEOM’s most sensitive areas, including cyber-security. Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael told Israeli media the NEOM concept was presented to him years before the project even started.

MbS also took ownership of two strategic islands from Egypt to make NEOM viable. Tiran and Sanafir are located at the entrance to the Straits of Tiran and prior to his intervention Israeli shipping had been denied access to their surrounding waters under the terms of the Camp David Peace accords.

“The trigger for the formalisation of the alliance [between Israel and Saudi Arabia] will not be security concerns but the economic leverage of NEOM that requires Saudi control over the Strait of Tiran” wrote Samawal Foundations, an advisory firm that assists clients on opportunities born out of the Abraham Accords.

Since the war in Gaza broke out on October 7 MBS has doubled down on his support for Israel. The secret police continues to crack down on any kind of pro-Palestinian activity inside the Kingdom, even among non-Saudis. And as we wrote in our newsletter of 1 November Saudi Arabia has also used the full power of its vast media empire to undermine the Palestinian resistance.

Behind closed doors, the collaboration goes even deeper with full intelligence and information sharing and the Kingdom’s entire network of regime-backed Arab and Islamic agents at Israel’s disposal in order to penetrate Hamas and its allies.

MbS’s most public show of support for Israel since the war started has been by repeatedly signalling that normalisation with Saudi Arabia is still on the table, albeit conditioned on the creation of a vaguely framed “pathway” toward a Palestinian state.

But he has also helped Israel in many other ways. For example, in November Saudi Arabia hosted an extraordinary joint summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the League of Arab States, and a Saudi-African summit. At both events the Saudis successfully used all their influence to unify a collective position among the participants to make sure no meaningful action was taken against Israel beyond some empty words.

Saudi Arabia is also actively collaborating with Israel to help evade the Huthi blockade by allowing goods to be transported by land across the Kingdom. As the Israeli transport minister explained, since January cargo ships have been arriving at Jebel Ali port in Dubai, offloading their goods and then transporting them by lorry through Saudi Arabia into Israel through the Jordan river crossing.

"This is an economic and historic breakthrough that exemplifies the economic and trade cooperation between Israel and the Arab nations, in the fight against the axis of evil," said Hanan Freidman CEO of Trucknet, one of the companies using the land bridge to Israel.

MbS’s deep commitment to Israel has not gone unappreciated. Pro-Israeli media has praised Saudi Arabia’s efforts and behind closed doors the crown prince is even more popular.

Despite his tangible and deep commitments to Israel, Western media and Saudi “experts” still hold up normalisation between the two states as the “holy grail” that were it to go ahead would have a profound impact on bringing peace and stability to the region.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said that the Biden administration's strategy for post-war Gaza is to link normalisation to the creation of a pathway for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

But like Lord Cameron’s remarks about the UK formally recognising a Palestinian state or the much publicised disagreement between Biden and Netanyahu over a two state solution, talk about Saudi normalisation is a distraction aimed at fobbing off the public and preventing accountability for the ongoing genocide.

The evidence shows Saudi-Israeli relations are already more than normalised. The only thing left would be to open an Israeli embassy in Riyadh which even the Israelis themselves do not want as they know it would be the kiss of death for MbS, who is already widely regarded as a traitor throughout the Arab world, along with the Egyptian, Emirati and Jordanian leadership.

As former Israeli negotiator and soldier Daniel Levy said, the real aim of these initiatives is funnelling the Palestinians back into a make-believe world otherwise known as apartheid or the status quo ante.

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